Freedom Choices
I keep thinking about my fellow Austrians. My country of birth seems divided and propaganda is driving the wedge even deeper.
Thinking about our collective history, I am concerned where this might lead (again). What comes after the division? Segregation? Finding a scapegoat? Then what?
I keep thinking about this dilemma. And I want to understand. So please come along and let’s ask some questions.
The situation as it presents itself to me in the stories I hear and read from people I know:
The government is taking away some of our freedoms, and we feel restricted. Some of us fight by being obstinate or by complaining. Others, in a more inward-directed way, are being unhappy. A few might be involved in constructive political activism; others trust that our countries’ leaders are doing the best they can.
Right now, we find ourselves deprived of some of the freedoms we have gotten used to, like the freedom to travel, the freedom to meet friends, the freedom to go window shopping, or the freedom to have a nice meal in a restaurant.
I am putting the following thought out there:
Our freedom is never absolute. There are always some limitations to our actual choices.
Freedom then becomes a choice. We can choose to be happy, quite independently of the circumstance. We can be happy that we are alive, content to be able to go for walks, loving the sun, the wind and the stars. We can choose our emotional response when we hear people spreading negativity, we can even choose to turn off the TV or turn away from those people.
We can choose which feelings we act upon: Love or hatred, contentment or restlessness….
I am challenging you to try this:
Do the best you can, always, from a place of love and consideration. The let it go and be happy, this very moment.
Drop me a note with your thoughts. Thank you!