Stories open a pathway to an understanding that does not run through the left side of the brain. That is why we feel instantly connected to a story that resonates with us. We, as humans, are ideally set up to understand stories.

We tell ourselves stories about everything: ourselves, our lives, the world. Some of those stories are helping us greatly, others are keeping us from reaching our fullest potential.

Some of our stories are uncomfortable. We do not want to feel pain, so we self-medicate: we eat, we shop, we consume substances, etc. When the discomfort becomes greater than the fear of resisting, we change.

As a coach, I can assist you during a transition. Utilizing stories makes this process so rewarding!

Dreams can be messages from our subconscious. By listening to those messages, we can come to greater awareness about ourselves.

In coaching, we believe that the dreamer is the only person who can interpret their dreams. As your coach, I will ask questions and share my curiosity for you to ponder over.