Ich ging auf unserer Kiesauffahrt nach Hause, als mein Blick auf einen kleinen Wolfsmilchsamen auf dem Boden fiel. Es glänzte von Tautropfen. Während die allgemeine Szene, wenn auch sonnig und nicht zu kalt, eher braun war – wohlgemerkt, es ist November und die Natur sollte braun sein – war dieser kleine Samen ein funkelnder Bote der Hoffnung und des Lebens.
Was fällt IHNEN gerade auf, wenn Sie auf die kleinen Dinge achten?
Mindfulness is commonly understood as paying attention to what is happening in one’s mind, body and surroundings, with a focus on the present moment, and in a curious, compassionate and non-judgmental state.
What does mindfulness do to us?
Mindfulness improves our well-being. Focusing on the here and now makes it less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or nostalgia over the past. It also improves our mental and our physicalhealth.
One technique is Mindful Walking:
The ability to walk sets us apart from most animals on earth. It is a defining factor of being human. Most of the time, we might fail to see walking as something special.
When you walk mindfully, pay attention to the sensations of your body:
How do your feet feel, in your shoes, when you step down and when you lift them up?
How do your other muscles keep you balanced?
Pay attention to how your arms swing as you walk.
How about your breathing? Is there a rhythm between your breathing and your steps?
Pay attention to and become more aware of your surroundings, beyond the practical (like avoiding a puddle or drop off a letter on the way). Enjoy the immediacy of sights, sounds, and smells.
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
You can also pay attention to intuitive messages: Ask yourself a question and see what your intuition tells you.
Do you have a question for me? – I would love to hear it!