Walk 4 Change

Walk for 20 minutes | In a natural setting | Without technological distractions
Experience the Changes in your body and mind

To start with, think about a place near you that is or represents “nature” for you:

  • A place that is easy to access, is quiet and untouched if possible
  • Where you can be undisturbed by other people (if other people are present, don’t worry; be prepared to tune them out though)

HOW … to prepare mentally:

  • All technological devices have to be turned off, muted or not brought along, so you are free to experience the sensation of “unplugging” and “reconnecting”

Walks 4 Change always do something for me: Sometimes, as I find myself taking a deep relaxing breath, I realized that I had not even been aware of the tension in my body until it falls off me! – Manuela Zeitlhofer (25.9.2024)

Now, it is time to get your feet wet (figuratively speaking, if you prefer). Once you sign up, you will receive the package that opens your mind to this experience. I am looking forward to seeing you!

Click here for more information and to sign up:

Curious about Nature Coaching? – Grab your free Sit-Spot Exercise